Brown, Grey or Natural coloured Rattan Furniture?
When it comes to rattan furniture, there are normally only 4 colours available for you to choose from. We have asked many of our suppliers why this is and we have not rally had any solid answers back, but most say that for gardens, the standard colours are:
To be quite honest, this does make sense. After all, who would want a bright purple rattan garden sofa? (Apart from my daughter!) It is also good to note that most styles and rattan sets that are available come in all these colours. There isn’t any benefit to having 1 style in any particular colour and the functionality of any furniture remains the same! So, let’s have a bit of a closer look at the colour and the benefits, and downsides to some of these colours.
Brown Rattan Furniture

Let’s start with the first on the list, Brown. Brown Rattan Garden Furniture is probably 1 of the best-selling colours of outdoor garden furniture. When it comes to looking around you will notice that most of the pictures supplied by both manufacturers and sellers will show brown furniture initially. This may also be the reason that it sells well, but no data yet to prove that theory!
Its also a fact that when you look around your garden there are obvious natural colours that you both see and associate with your garden. The trees, your fence probably, plants, even your decking or paving may have an element of brown in it. So why would’nt your furniture be made to blend in with its natural environment.
So what are the benefits of having brown rattan furniture. Well, the initial benefits have just been covered. Brown is 1 of the natural colour that we associate with being outside and also with our garden. Brown Garden furniture is meant to blend in and that’s exactly what it does for most. Looking at a practical perspective, brown rattan furniture will also help hide any marks or stains that may bet onto the rattan. Being a dark colour any stains may not show through so obviously. As with most rattan furniture cleaning should be done regularly and immediately after any spillage, but always good to know!
As noted from personal experiences, the only downside we could really put for any brown rattan furniture is that they tend to be a dark brown. This naturally absorbs more heat when left in direct sunlight so caution does need to be taken when the furniture has been left in direct sunlight for a long period of time.
Grey Rattan Furniture
So lets have a quick look at grey rattan furniture. Personally this is my favourite choice, but please don’t let me sway your decisions when purchasing your rattan furniture. Unlike with brown, Grey doesn’t really appear too much in a natural garden. You may have some paving or walls that are grey? But other than painted pieces in your garden, it doesn’t really appear naturally. And this is what is great about grey rattan furniture, its neutral! In other words, it’s a 1 colour fits all scenario!

Grey is seen throughout the world as a neutral colour. Not being overwhelming or underwhelming in anyway, it just sits there and allows every colour around it to show off instead! It doesn’t really matter what colour you have with grey rattan furniture, they will shine and show their true beauty!
The only real downside that we found with the grey rattan furniture is that its not natural looking in a garden environment. Even with this downside, we still think grey rattan furniture looks amazing!
Cream and Natural coloured Rattan Furniture
We now have cream and natural left to review, and we are going to do these together. We are doing this as natural looking coloured furniture is great and cream coloured is really just there to make something look more natural so it would be hard to review these separately as their purpose is the same.

There is no doubt that a natural look in your garden will help blend in and well, look natural but these tend to be very light colours. As with everything very light colours will show the natural weathering sometimes aswell as any stains from food or drink that may get on them. That being said, we have found the natural or cream garden furniture sets to seem very calming and easy on the eye when you walk into your garden. As with the grey rattan furniture, the natural look really helps to set off other colours in your garden. Sat next to a beautiful garden border in full summer bloom really does make the natural rattan furniture a really good choice.